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View Full Version : Why is the Copperband Butterfly fish labeled Difficult?

09/08/2006, 04:14 AM
What makes them difficult? I would like to get one but the difficult label scares me away from them. Any help would be great. Thanks

Paul B
09/08/2006, 05:41 AM
They are difficult because they do not live as long as most fish in a tank. I usually keep them for five years but most fish live at least ten. They usually do not eat a lot of the foods that many other fish eat. Most of them will eat worms and mysis but not all. They have small mouths and should be fed a few times a day. They have a habit of living a few years and then dying for no apparent reason. They are more troublesome than a lot of fish but they are one of my favorites and I have always had at least one. The one I have now eats just about anything including bananas, avacado and sponge.

Steven Pro
09/08/2006, 06:27 AM
They can also be damaged fairly easily in shipping by bumping their long mouths into the bags. If it is particularly bad, the damage can get infected too. When this happens, they generally refuse to eat.

09/08/2006, 07:51 AM
yeah tough eaters. I have had mine for a year now and love him to death.

09/08/2006, 10:18 AM
I had one for about a year and he was eating mysis from my hand. The bad news was that one day he stopped eating and died for no apparent reason. I decided to not try another one after hearing many people had the same experiences.

09/11/2006, 01:02 AM
Are they hardy fishes if they eat?

09/11/2006, 04:15 AM
i had one outlive all my tangs in a tank crash years ago, he was hard as hell to get to eat but came around in the end, live brine was the best solution for me fed at lights off, room light on....

i wouldnt say hardy at all, i think butterflys in general are quite delicate, this one especially but have only had 1 so not that much knowledge.


09/11/2006, 09:51 AM
I would say that even if they are eating it's going to be hit or miss if it'll live longterm. Mine didn't live even though he was eating mysis like a pig.