View Full Version : White coraline algae or Coralline lethal disease? [pics]

09/05/2006, 09:53 AM
Greetings all,

I am new to the hobby and been reading a lot, but some books/literature just are not too helpful. I was hoping that you all could fill in the blanks.

On Sunday I cleaned my tank...and slightly re-arranged some of my live rock (been running for about 4 months). On one piece of the live rock I noticed the following white spot (~ 1 in diameter?):


I will be watching to see if it changes size or shape. Have any of you had this or know what it is (white coraline algae, coralline lethal disease, etc)?

Thanks for your comments...

09/05/2006, 10:08 AM
heres some info on CLD. not what you have.

its common for the coralline algae to turn white in spots. especially in a new tank, where the water chemistry balance is up and down. the color will come back in time. it could be just from where something was eating it, or it didnt get enough light, or other things. dont panic :D.

09/05/2006, 10:33 AM

Thanks for the information. I was thinking that since I repositioned that rock...it may have spent the previous month with that side down in the sand. Thus as you suggest there was insufficient lighting and some die off occured.
