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View Full Version : Is my current tank an Nano?

08/17/2006, 01:18 PM
It is 24"wx12"dx16"h (20 gallons). So, is it consider an Nano? This tank is sitting on the kitchen's buffet counter next to the dining room.

I was thinking about tear it down and start all over because everything is f**ked up since the Red Sea Prizm quitted its job and H.O.T. media filter is an pain in a** to take off and disassembly to clean. And put 'em together!

Before I do that, I need to figure which devices to get and use in the tank. I was thinking about getting 3 or 4 fishes with lot of soft corals and some hard corals. If you have better suggestions, I'm open to them.

I was thinking on getting those:
AquaFuge PS Refugium (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=12591&N=2004+22778) I'm looking for the light fixure for it.
Seio Powerhead (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=12074&inm=1&N=2004+22788+2032) Maybe get 2 of them.
Current SunPod (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=13975&N=2004+113352) Is 150w enough?
Jager Heater - 100w (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=3858&N=2004+113767) Is 100w enough?

Also I'm looking at some plants for the refugium, any suggestion?

08/17/2006, 03:09 PM
Yes it's considered a nano.

I really would'nt tear it down I would just change things as you plan to do.
I had a prizm skimmer they are junk IMO. Mines laying in my basement lol
If you need a H.O.B. skimmer I'd go with a remora.

The things you plan to get look good although I don't have any of those lol so can't really comment.
If the tank runs hot (it might with halides) you could prolly go with the 75 watt heater but don't wanna tell you to and then not have enough.

That refugium looks nice but kinda pricey. Ive seen alot of people make their own in the DIY thread from H.O.B. filters such as aquaclear. You might want to look into that.

As far as macro algae for the fuge most people prefer chaeto because it does'nt go asexual. Theres usually people selling it here in the propagated selling forums.


08/17/2006, 11:01 PM
If you want your refuge to look pretty red mangroves are an interesting addition, but they require space above water as well as in it (kinda tall).

08/18/2006, 12:24 PM
Will refugium function as the media filter? No need for sump?