View Full Version : Macro algae?

07/21/2006, 01:19 AM
Is there any thoughts on caulepa prolifera. I had it in a tank once. It was beautiful. I am starting a new corner tank and have thought about putting this in the main tank. I understand it can get out of hand at times without harvesting. Any experience out there? Thanks.

07/21/2006, 03:21 AM
If you will have tang in the tank, it will probably eat and damage all Caulerpa.

07/21/2006, 05:08 AM
there definitely are positives and negatives. ifyou don't mind harvesting it regularly to prevent it from taking over.. i'd say go for it. there are natural predators that will eat this stuff.. tang fish, angels and camel shrimp to help you keep it trimmed if you don't like harvesting on a regular basis :)

07/21/2006, 08:52 AM
It is my plan to have tangs in the tank. I am hoping to have the caulerpa established prior to entry of tangs. I know they like caulerpa. thanks. I think I'll try it.