View Full Version : WTB: Skimmer?

07/17/2006, 05:58 PM
Good morning All -

I'd like to upgrade my skimmer and I am looking for opinions and suggestions on what to buy. I am currently running a 60G w/ 20G sump, and I need to keep the 20L footprint in mind regarding the skimmer's size. My current skimmer does a great job (Ocean Vu Recirculating Skimmer), but it's too bulky and way too loud.

Any suggestions? Vendor suggestions also appreciated. Thanks in advance.

07/17/2006, 08:27 PM
any price ranges or limits?? for a cheap one i would go with a coralife superskimmer 125 with that setup, or if price isnt a problem try deltec.. remoras are also very good to my knowledge

07/17/2006, 08:52 PM
Price not the biggest concern, great skimmer is. Only limitation is that it needs to fit in my 20L sump ... was thinking ASM or Deltec, but again, not sure ... may be a suprise out there somewhere that I haven't looked into..

07/17/2006, 08:54 PM
well there is a HOT deltec also.. ASM are in skimmer skimmers so it will take up more room than an HOT obviously.. how much room do you have in that 20L sump for the skimmer?

07/17/2006, 09:00 PM
This is where I am leaning ... G-2 Protein Skimmer w/ Sedra 3500 Pump.

I have about a 12"x16" space that the current skimmer is sitting in now. Height clearance from bottom of sump to top of stand is about 42".

07/17/2006, 09:21 PM
i personally would up to the g3 if you want to go ASM route. thats what i got and for only a couple more you get the sedra 5000... order from ASMskimmer.com or try to find a used one on here.. i wouldnt go the g2 route most people dont because its really not that much more $$ to get the g3 and the options are much better

07/17/2006, 10:29 PM
Thats the place to get one for sure. the G3 is a mighty awesome skimmer.

07/17/2006, 11:07 PM
What about the EuroReef ES 5-2 Skimmer ... I have an offer for $135 new with the Sedra 3000 ... I'd like to be overrated a bit and this one's online rating shows it at 75G ... is that somewhat or at all accurate?

07/17/2006, 11:46 PM
I just bought my G4+ from here http://www.aquamartonline.com/catalog/item/2438561/2056856.htm and they have free shipping on this item. Worth looking at.

07/18/2006, 09:25 AM

07/18/2006, 11:48 AM
yes the er 5-2 will get the job done.. i would go with the g3 over that though, a comparable skimmer to the g3 with ER line is the 6-2

07/18/2006, 12:09 PM
Good stuff. Thanks for everyone's help ... looks like I'll be going with the ASM G-3 unless something changes in the next hour. Thanks again!

07/18/2006, 02:18 PM
;) no problem, glad to help!! any other question that you may have dont be afraid to ask them!! we all want to help our fellow reefers!