View Full Version : A coulpe of qustions anout cloosed loop systems!

07/17/2006, 03:23 PM
Hello, i am thinking about putting a closed loop (or 2 separate ones not quite sure yet) with a SCWD in my tank when i finally get to set it up and i'm not sure if i am on the right line, if the input side of the pump is plumbed into a pipe that is in the tank as well as the output is this a closed loop? And if it is plumbed this way is it right that i don't need to worry about the head on the pump?
Or do you use an overflow box into a sump (i think this is an open loop but i just want to be sure!!) and then pump it up to the tank?
I know it's a silly question, i have tried searching for diagrams and can't find the answer!!
I was also thinking of plumbing a seahorse tank that is on the same level as the main tank (i won't be getting the horses until i am sure i can look after them but would like to get it all plumbed in at the same time!) with a overflow box that drains into one of the pipes running into the tank?
I think the pressure from the closed loop pump pumping up will stop the seahorse tank draining down but again i just want to be sure!! If this won't work then i think i will have to use a sump that the main tank and seahorse tank drains into with the closed loops separate from the sump. I hope this all makes sense but i have a feeling that it doesn't!! :lol: Thanks for all your help and i hope i'm not confusing you all!! :rolleye1:

07/17/2006, 03:26 PM
Thats not a good start i have just read the post subject bit it should have said "A couple of questions about closed loop systems!" Sorry!!! :o

07/17/2006, 05:41 PM
A closed loop is just that. It does not connect with the sump and is used to provide current. The water is picked up by the intake side, through the pump and back to the tank. Check out Melevs site for ideas. You would not want one on a seahorse tank as they require low current. I run a 500ghp pump to the sump and through a overflow. The closed loop is a 800 gph pump. This is on a 55 gal with a 20 gal sump. You do not want a lot of current going through the sump so you add the closed loop strictly for current.

07/17/2006, 07:31 PM
I would agree.

07/17/2006, 10:41 PM
I have a sequence barracuda as a return from my basement sump to my 125 display ( 14-15 feet of head ). I also have a sequence dart on a CL on the display.

I am about ready to upgrade the Dart to a barracuda to get more flow


07/18/2006, 02:14 AM
Thanks for your reply, if i go down the road of a seahorse tank then it wouldn't have a closed loop on it just the main tank which is in some way linked to the seahorse tank!! It's good to know i was at least on the right track!! :D Thank you :D