View Full Version : Zoo Fish Livestock

05/20/2002, 09:06 AM
In conjunction with coral livestock, do we want specific biotope. Type of fish, order of addition, etc.

05/20/2002, 02:42 PM
I'm probably gonna get blasted on this, but, here I go. I think we should keep in mind that this tank is a 'show piece' and it should peak the interests of everyone viewing it in one way or another. It'd be cool if we could incorporate livestock that share symbiotic relationships with one another. Not all of the possible realtionships, but, a few. (Pistol shrimp/Goby, Clown/Anemone, etc.) If it's a reef tank that we intend to display, we should try and replicate real reefs as closely as possible. I'm done! PEACE.:D

05/20/2002, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by RudeBoy
If it's a reef tank that we intend to display, we should try and replicate real reefs as closely as possible. I'm done! PEACE.:D

A very good point, and one that crosses all of Stoli's threads. Might be worth a poll, so lemme try creating one.

05/20/2002, 02:55 PM
strive for as close as possible on the CP CB but to not loose a ton of life you need to have a bit that isnt... its just not possible to get alot of the stuff still... however i believe NET CAUGHT should be a requirement for the safe treating... alot of clowns and anemones can be CB AN CP but this leaves out so much life that is out there that cant be had in these manor's..

05/20/2002, 03:16 PM
Excellent point! I think we need enough to make it interesting and not slammin' the idea in there faces. One or two displays of these relationships is enough to get people to stop and watch. The man concern should be the protection of life inside the tank... at all costs.

05/20/2002, 04:26 PM
Anyone consider how to seal up the top of the tank ? some kid throws a penny in there and BY BY inverts - you guys get the idea.


05/20/2002, 06:20 PM
if they get a penny in the top of that thing sumone better put them in major league baseball (almost 10 feet tall i believe it was)

Gary Majchrzak
05/20/2002, 06:37 PM
It is amazing the trust that public zoos and aquariums put in the public! Anyone at the N.E. aquarium could have EASILY dropped something large into the giant ocean tank- like an unwanted spouse!{There is a tiger sandshark in there!} The open top in this case is of no concern.

05/20/2002, 07:38 PM
Actually, that's a legit concern (have heard of worse!). At any rate, that did remind me of an idea I had to help hide some of the less attractive feature's of the tank by re-doing some of the surrounding woodworking... but that really belongs on another thread.

- Mac

Gary Majchrzak
05/21/2002, 03:59 PM
I have several pennies, suction cups , magnets and a small childs toy hiding in the depths of my reef. I don't think these items are a lethal threat! On second thought..........
Hmmmm... maybe THAT'S why I failed to keep the dendronepthea alive for more than 6 months!:rolleyes:
The zoo tank is so far back in the joint most of the change will already be in the penguin and polar bear pens,anyway!
Back to the fish thread:
How about a school of convict tangs? {crop nuisance algae 'in the bud'?}
Just someone please don't suggest a seven foot green moray eel!:D

05/22/2002, 04:16 PM
How about a seven foot green moray eel!:p :p :p

05/22/2002, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by BIG "G"
How about a seven foot green moray eel!:p :p :p

Bad idea Big 'G' I'm thinking an 8 foot Green Moray :D

05/22/2002, 04:33 PM
How about a tank consisting of chambered nautilis, blue ringed octopuses, and jellyfish ?

05/22/2002, 04:39 PM
Don't forget a few maco sharks.

Gary Majchrzak
05/22/2002, 07:01 PM
While we are yukking it up, maybe the most important thread of all is missing: FUNDING THE PROJECT!
Without cash,we'll all look like clownfish in search of an anemone!
And the zoo aquarium will be the "Great Barren Reef"!
In no way am I implying that I have connections for funding! I don't!
I have a genuine interest in improving the zoo's aquarium. No ego trip. I will assume a subordinate role if necessary.
So is the $2000 captive raised Clarion angelfish out?


05/22/2002, 07:48 PM
Of course not Gary. Aim high!!:D

I don't anticipate a great deal of difficulty getting funding. I've already been able to line up about 2500 and that's without trying much.

However, if the powers that be think funding should be a higher priority, I'll start pushing harder.

05/23/2002, 01:59 AM
How bout 450 gallons worth of them little redlip?? blenny's like todd and dave have :) (man that would be alot of tiny fish :)