View Full Version : mantis shrimp removal

06/29/2006, 11:07 PM
I think I may have a small mantis that hitchicked in on my Figi LR. It is about 1" long and is very fast moving darting in and out of the holes in the rock. It looks to be dark purple or black. What is the best way to get rid of this guy without nuking the rock. I heard you can dump the rock in fresh water or super salty water to force him out. What will this do to the coraline algae? Will this force him out of the rock or kill it? I just want to make sure that if I do something that I do it right the first time.

Thanks for any suggestions

06/30/2006, 12:38 AM
I think the first idea to try is to make a mantis trap out of a plastic soda bottle and see whether that catches the pest. I'm about to do that myself, since I seem to have a 3-4" mantis in one of my tanks now, sigh! Dumping the rock that way might work, but it could also kill a lot of animals in the rock. The coralline would likely be okay.