View Full Version : yellow tang has what looks like black ick... what is it???

06/10/2006, 10:52 PM
i recently introduced a potters angel to my 55 gallon.... the yellow tang has been attacking him on and off since i put him in over a week ago.

funny thing is, the potters angel doesnt seem to have ick... if he does its very light.

the tang on the other hand has a lot of black ick.... and i think now maybe white ick.

any ideas?

06/10/2006, 11:00 PM
Black ich is very distinctive. It is fortunately treatable by performing a freshwater dip. However, you should quarantine any new additions for this very reason. If the condition of the fish worsens, you need to quarantine it and treat it with either copper or hyposalinity--IF that is the case. Before I say more, please take a pic of the fish in question.

06/10/2006, 11:07 PM
illl be honest with you, fresh water dips scare me.

to just dump a salt water fish into a bowl with freshwater.... i mean if i see it start to freak out and choke and die... i will start to freak out.

qt is not an option as i dont have one set up anymore.

could this go away by itself with food dosed with garlic?

06/10/2006, 11:09 PM
My friend did a freshwater dip on his tang a couple of months ago and it is doing great right now. And garlic really hasn't been proven to treat diseases, but you could try

06/10/2006, 11:11 PM
would you have to maybe to a freshwater dip a couple of times in a series of sessions?

or just one time?

does the stuff just fall right off?

by the way they are all pretty much perfect dots the same size... no crazy giant clumps of bumps or anything.

sorry no pic.

06/10/2006, 11:38 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7537786#post7537786 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by agoutihead
i recently introduced a potters angel to my 55 gallon.... the yellow tang has been attacking him on and off since i put him in over a week ago.

funny thing is, the potters angel doesnt seem to have ick... if he does its very light.

the tang on the other hand has a lot of black ick.... and i think now maybe white ick.

any ideas?

Black ick is not really ick...it's a black flatworm infestation that Tangs sometimes get. It's easily treated by a formaldehyde dip, which you can get at any marine fish store. Follow the directions on the labeling and aerate well while administering.

06/10/2006, 11:49 PM
formaldehyde... is it anything like the kind used to embalm people?

06/10/2006, 11:50 PM
yes, same stuff.

06/11/2006, 12:33 AM
and you can just buy it at the store?

how does it not hurt the fish?

06/11/2006, 12:48 AM
Have you ever heard of this thing called "Google?" You should try it sometime....:D