View Full Version : Snails Dying - pond liner toxicity?

05/12/2002, 08:28 AM
I posted this earlier"
Snails dying in a well established reef.
Sudden algea bloom and noticed most snails gone. All routine tests looked OK. Bought tiger snails and last two batches died off in a week. Other inverts in system for some time seem OK.
Tried a toxic metal sponge..no toxic metal found.
any ideas??"

I just heard that freshwater pond liner is a killer to salt water stuff. I have had a piece of pond liner as a splash guard for a few months which may have lead to a slow toxic build up that did not start killing stuff until latley. As the die off began the algea bloom began...Any idea what it is in liner that kills and how do I get it out?.

05/12/2002, 04:28 PM
if it is a swim pool liner it has u/v inhibiters,antibacterials,etc.
i'd get it out of there.if it's a pond liner you should be fine.