View Full Version : a few clownfish questions

05/23/2006, 05:51 PM
ok i have 1 true percula clownfish and 1 ocellaris clownfish. the true perc is about 1.5 inches and the ocellaris is about 2 inches. and i have a few questions about them and would appreciate any and all opinions.

>first off. i have been told by several people that my 2 clowns can mate and i think they have started. but can they breed? what kind of clownfish would the babies be?

>how long do they need to be together before they will reach sexual maturity? how big should they be?

>what should i do to encourage them to breed? (when they are sexually mature)

>when my clowns do breed should i take the eggs out and hatch them in a seperate tank or just leave them in there? will any of my tank mates eat the babies or eggs?

>and one off subject question. should i worry about my calcium with whats in my tank or does my IO salt do good enough for them?

my tests are....
amonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5
ph 8.2

tank inhabitants...
1 true percula 1.5"
1 ocellaris 2"
1 bar goby 2"
i tiger striped serpent star about 4" tip to tip
6-8 hermits
3 big snails
1 small snail
1 curly cue anemone bout 2" diameter on tentacle spread
2 stalk of zenia
1 feather duster
and cant forget the critters


o yea i might be adding some zoos soon. about how many more fish could i add and what do you recomend? i want them to go happily with the current inhabitants. no fights.

its a 55 gallon long

05/23/2006, 10:26 PM

05/23/2006, 10:55 PM
I don't know for sure if a perc and ocelaris can have viable offspring, but the raising of the fry would require a fairly large investment of time and money. I know they need for "Green Water" to keep them fed while they grow for the first week or so, and then they need fortified baby brine for the nest couple of weeks. If your really interested in trying it out do a search on Martin Moe, he was the one of the first people to breed clowns and his books can give you alot of help.

05/24/2006, 07:34 AM
anyone else have any ideas?
