View Full Version : Anemone & Cleaner Shrimp?

Harold Edwards
05/20/2006, 08:17 AM
Every time I try to feed my anemone my cleaner shrimp takes the food away from him, I even tried to give the cleaner some food at the same time to keep him occupied I does not seam to work. and I tried to keep my hand in the tank and keep the shrimp away from the anemone but all that moving around make the anemone drop the food. has anyone had this problem before? what did you do about it? :uzi: :uzi:

05/20/2006, 01:03 PM
For me, I can have this problem with my Snowflake eel and my Niger Trigger. My Niger takes the food away from my eel and vice versa. COuld you try feeding the shrimp in the corner of the tank and then try feeding the anemone?

05/20/2006, 05:36 PM
I have the same problem. I feed by RBTA silversides, I give the shrimp a big piece right before I feed the rbta and it occupies the shrimp for a long time.

05/20/2006, 10:00 PM
feed it something to big for the shrimp i hold the krill or whatever your feeding it until it starts to close on it and it works good