View Full Version : I think the big clown is accepting the little clown

05/19/2006, 04:22 PM
or in other words, it ain't dead yet. I know the big clown sees the little clown. She is allowing him to venture out into the tank(even tho' he was there first) and he doesn't have to live behind the skimmer. She eyes him and he just quivers, then she goes back into her anemones. It has been almost 2 weeks now.

That's a good thing right?

05/19/2006, 04:25 PM
hmm.. dunno.. right when i added my 2nd fish ( the male) they have been side by side the male did his little shake right away and they are always swimming together and sleep together ontop of the powerhead.

She could be just ignoreing him... otherwise they are starting to pair up.. have you seen him shiver by her yet?

05/19/2006, 06:06 PM
Sounds really good. As long as she's allowing him to eat and she isn't killing him there is a pretty good chance that they'll get along.

Tell us a little more about how long you've had the fish, size difference, species etc.

05/22/2006, 01:50 PM
He's one....I imagine she chased him out of the tank. I found him on the floor yesterday morning...unfortunately, not too long after he died because he was still wet. I think I'll see if I can rehome the clown; she needs a great anemone fish, but she needs to be in a tank without any other clowns, clamsels or chromis.

05/22/2006, 01:57 PM
Sorry...I meant to write he is gone. In answer to your question, I've had the female (what I assume to be the female) for 2 yrs; I've had the little clown six weeks. Oh well....I won't try again.

05/22/2006, 01:58 PM
errr...I mean SHE is a great anemone fish...she has 3 bta that she takes care of..

05/22/2006, 02:28 PM
Yeah, my cinnamon clown killed her trial partner in less than 15 minutes :-( What a beast! No sex for her! :P

05/22/2006, 03:17 PM
man i hate reading these!! Im going to be trying to pair up my evil girl with a baby maroon i have in qt right now.

did u guys try an observation container first? Im thinking of introducing baby in the container.. and if evil girl head butts it and bites it.. ill have to try another approach. hoping for baby to get very submissive and shake alot...

05/22/2006, 03:25 PM
Actually feebee will almost certainly head butt and bite the container.

I've never had a clown jump though I know that it is not uncommon.

If you're worried about jumping use some wondow screening or lighting "egg crate" though that is probably too large for your little guy Maggie.

05/22/2006, 09:41 PM
dan.. i made a cover for my container out of that needle point screen.. i have eggcrate and a screen on the top of the tank, im still acclimating my metal halide. No problem keeping it on there. dident really think about it jumping.. guess i should. I am still unsucessful in finding formilin at a fish store. hes still very healthy. so im not going to pre bath unless i see a reson too. pretty active guy, its weird not seeing him in the same spot 24/7 lol

so whats your opinion.. if she is attacking the container should i just keep the fish in there (there are lil square holes on the front of the container... so it'll have flow etc.. or let it out even if shes attacking? Ive read somewhere that people have left the baby in the side tank for a week or so.. and keep trying to release it.

05/23/2006, 08:26 AM
My clown was introduced to the little clown's tank...he did all the right things (quivered & all), but the whole tank became her territory in less than a day.
Introducing a young clown to an older clown (or visa versa) is something I will never do again. I'll get two juvies
and let them work out their relationship themselves.

05/23/2006, 09:33 AM
If I do try again it will be along the lines that you discussed. As big a disparity in sizes of the clowfish as possible and set up an acclimation/holding area made out of egg crate that will let the beyitch get used to the juvenile.

05/23/2006, 10:41 AM
I want to try it too:strooper:

05/23/2006, 10:43 AM
No...really I want it to work. So If I can find a baby I put him in a holy plastic tub inside the aquarium right? So he gets food, flow and etc., right?

05/23/2006, 12:49 PM
its one option that has worked for some people.your supposed to put the container close to the other fishes 'spot'

I bought a shampoo holder at target, it has two really large suction cups on the back, and holes on the front. its uncovered, but with a lil plastic needle point sheet and some zip ties, i fixed that.

another suggestion made to me was to give the baby a sanctuary place to go. like a lil margirine container the baby can fit into but not the bigger fish.

I tried this with a tupperware container, cut a circle on the bottom and pushed a suction cup thru it, and a hole for the fish on the lid. i tried to introduce baby to it while in quarentine by putting food in it, but it dident get it. i figure theres enough places to hide in the rock work if thats the way its going to be. but clowns dont really like hideing.. and if its a maroon i hear they are really bad at backing down

My plan is to let the female fish see the baby for a day or two (more if shes really trying to get at it, less if i see good signs) realising the fish, and if its not a good situation, back in the observation container agian for another day or two...

if you wanna try.. dont think you can get away with no quarentine first. theres a good chance you'll need to treat it for somthing, esp. if wild caught..., or your lfs is plauged by disease like mine...

Ill let you know what happens with pictures after baby is done being qt'ed

05/23/2006, 04:50 PM
it's not a good idea to have a clown alone for a period of time. then decide to give it a mate. as mentioned before. the clown in the tank will feel threatened and attack the new addiction( will kill it if given the chance). if you want to try and add a new clown in.. i would suggest wait til it's almost night time. and re arrange ur rockwork., then release the fish back in. But release them all at once.. if this doesn't work. then it will be a continous cycle.

05/23/2006, 07:07 PM
I have heard the nighttime idea too. i dont like the idea of it but it makes sense. Im not sure how hard or not hard it'll be. the fish in the really dispises leaveing the anemone. only time it does is when its pooping or spitting gravel at me. so if the baby stays away it might be alright
but on the other hand, shes so protective of the anemone (and its snack in the center of the tank, not really a way to not be near it) she may freak out....

05/23/2006, 07:17 PM
It's also difficult to keep an eye on the new fish if it is added in the evening.