View Full Version : HELP sick maroon clown

05/18/2006, 05:49 PM
Our clownfish Lori has been sick for about a week. :( Looked like dying, didn't eat(still doesn't eat), when I put her into a Quarantene. I must mention, that within last week, I suddenly lost 3 fishes, most likely to some disease. As you can see on the picture there's some whitish big spot(not ich) shaped like a line, on her side. I am relieved to see that it's been improving a bit, after I started her on copper(cupramine by seachem) and aloe stress coat, and a bit of garlic extract by seachem. I've added a little bit of cyclopeze to the water and I've no idea if she ate any, I have a friendly Chromis damsel in with her who obviously couldn't ignore a treat. She refuses solids, tried bloodworms. If you look at her stripe, there's obviously something going on there! Some grain like growth? Please refer to the picture.
Please, please help save her life, she's been so brave fighting this, and I refuse to give up on her. What is this that she has? Anyone? Please, what can it be and what medicine will I need?
Thanks a lot!:confused:
<img src="http://c.foto.radikal.ru/0605/7a24c4e8b057.jpg">

05/18/2006, 07:36 PM
make sure to post this in the disease forum, there should be a medication that will help her

05/18/2006, 07:45 PM
To me it looks like some type of fungus. I would definetly post this in the disease forum. Also your local LFS should know what medicen she needs. I cant tell without knowing the disease. Hope she gets better.

05/18/2006, 08:06 PM
Please where can I find a disease forum? My LFS doesn't know.

05/18/2006, 08:26 PM

05/19/2006, 01:05 AM
try to quarantine her by herself. I would remove the other fish if possible rather than take her out of the tank and stress her even more. Try to administer formalin and maracyn II. This should help take care of any fungus she may have developed. I would also give her something to hide in. I prefer to use pvc elbows, but small flowerpots work well aslo. Being out in the open will stress a sick fish and make the healing process that much more difficult.
what are your water parameters?
what kinds of food are you feeding? If the fish is wildcaught it may not recognize cyclopeeze as food. try to feed live brine. most fish will not ignore this.

05/19/2006, 02:13 AM
Thank u for the advice! She is in a quarantine tank right now, and I already administered a formaline 3 bath for 45 min today. The quarantene's water contains copper. I will administer the same bath on a 3rd day, and repeat one more final time 3 days thereafter. What's this maracyn thing? Should I combine maracyn II into the bath with formalin 3? Is that safe?
Right now, I have 2 more fish(damsels) in there with her only they are "locked up" in a nursery tank inside the Quarantine - so Lory has now an aquarium, too. Calms her down. haha. No, really, she just loves to stare inside.
As to hiding places. I have one tube w holes and one decorative rock w holes - I'd say, plenty of hiding places and noone to hide. She won't hide. Also, theres a plenty strong water flow there - my weak pump broke so I replaced it with one step up -- Lori was actually struggling to swim upstream, but she made it and now stays right by the water pump.
Thanks for any advice! Just wondering: would formaline bathes alone help with whatever fungus she's having?

05/19/2006, 02:30 AM
combining the frmalin and maracyn shouldnt be a problem, try and lower the water flow, you want to increase aeration, but not make it hard for the fish to swim. try to place something in front of the outlet to diffuse the flow. I also llike to add an airstone to my QT tanks if the fish are having trouble breathing.

05/19/2006, 11:17 AM
thanks for a quick reply! i went to my lfs yesterday and got a decorative rock which I placed in my QT. What a mistake! even though a salesman reassured me that it was aquarium safe, it apparently was not -- now I have murky, whitish water...plus this rock smells strong..kind of like chalk. I just called them and they say"it's all natural". Maybe, cause the fish is still alive in there, however I can hardly see the fish now. Anything I can do with this rock now? Marine epoxy? sorry if its off topic. I'm gonna try and do a 25% waterchange now - afraid to do more. Or should I? God knows what this rock contains...could be calcium, and alkali...it has this alkali "chalk" smell. ps- yes, my lfs is not very helpful as u can c! I also got a bottle of "multivitamin water" for the sick fish, but the salesman told me:"It's probably too late for ur fish!" Can u believe this guy???

05/19/2006, 11:38 AM
Get that rock out of the QT as soon as possible and perform a 90% water change.

05/19/2006, 12:31 PM
A 90? Are you sure? I removed the rock after only about an hour it's been in the tank. I'm just afraid that 90 might stress the fish too much. I can do 25 every day. It doesnt seem to bother my fish.

05/19/2006, 02:25 PM
a 90 percent water change is pretty big.

05/19/2006, 02:51 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7398708#post7398708 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 55semireef
a 90 percent water change is pretty big.

Ammonia spike from uncured rock is more dangerous.

05/19/2006, 02:56 PM
could pick up an amonia alert badge. got mine at petsmart yesterday for about 7 bucks/. lets you know when amonia is present, and if its reaching an alarming rate. perfect for qt

05/19/2006, 03:08 PM
OK, amonia is somewhere btw 0 and 0.25, 0 nitrites, 40 nitrates. Havent done a WC yet, but added carbon and Purigen meanwhile...Off I go to return the rock and get some new water.

05/19/2006, 06:51 PM
Wait. Was this liverock cured?

05/19/2006, 11:22 PM
damn you have all sorts of luck. I wouldnt even bother with that store anymore

05/20/2006, 01:14 AM
Who said anything about live rock? I treat live rock with respect - it's for the main tank only. Nah, this is a junk kind of rock - decorative, white w reds, to put as an ornament in your quarantene tank. However the owner said: its all natural, referring that its made out of natural materials, non toxic ect...But its junk, really...i'm going to exchange it tomorrow.