View Full Version : New BTA questions

salt newbie01
05/17/2006, 10:27 AM
I just got a BTA and GSM this weekend - they both seem to be very happy in their new home. That is where the possible problem lies. The anenome is stretching out so much that it is almost touching some zoas that I am quite fond of. Will the anenome hurt the zoas? I know they can hurt or sting fish but I wasn;t sure if I needed to move my zoas or not.

Here is a pic. sorry about the quality the camera is old - I have a little pink tint from the aqua sun bulbs - I will soon be swapping them for 50/50 actinics. The anenome is about 10 inches tall in this pic!!:D The zoas in question wre to the top right of the anenome

05/17/2006, 12:40 PM
beautiful specimen! It's hard to say whether the nem will cause any harm to the Zoas. But I would keep in eye out for the zoas closing up for any long period of time.

salt newbie01
05/17/2006, 03:39 PM
Thanks for the response seaflowers - I noticed the nem was just barely touching the edge of the zoas and they were closed - I guess it's time to move the zoa frag.

Do you (or anyone else) know if a toadstool leather will bother the nem? The nem is pretty big and the toadstool (sarcophyton) is small - maybe 2 inches across. I know the leathers put off toxins and I didn't know if the nem would be sensitive to them.

Thanks again

05/18/2006, 01:26 AM
I have two leathers, both larger than yours, and two BTA's all in the same 90 gallon. Everybody is happy. I've never had problems with toxins from the leathers, but that doesn't mean things won't change. They have been together for several months now. Good luck with them!

salt newbie01
05/18/2006, 07:32 AM
That's good to know - I was considering getting rid of my toadstool but I think I will wait and see how things "get along"
I did have to move my zoas they were closing up where the nem was touching them. At least they are easy to move.
Thanks again for the input

05/18/2006, 09:30 AM
Yeah my anemone just took out my zoo's too