View Full Version : just got H. Crispa - couple of ?s

05/16/2006, 09:14 PM
I just received him today from Drs. Foster & Smith. I bought him from them because of their 14 day guarantee and because they had large ones in stock. I have a large pair of pink skunks who are just too big for a BTA.

He was packed great and arrived in less than 24 hours. He's huge and a beautiful light green color. His foot is enormous and whitish but the end is a pink/peach color. His mouth is tightly closed and he is sticky. The clowns are already wallowing around in him. The only problem is he hasn't attached to anything yet.

I know I should probably just be patient but I'm used to BTAs attaching almost immediately. Since he looks great otherwise does it sound like everything's OK? He has been moving around some down on the sand.

Thanks - Laurie

05/16/2006, 09:31 PM
Sounds good so far, except for not attaching. Be sure to turn the pumps off to allow it the chance to settle down. This species, IME, can potentially settle in sand or rock quite happily.

05/17/2006, 09:48 AM
Thanks. Still not attached this a.m. but he is settled on the sand and is very open and beautiful. He is still very sticky and his color is good. He has so many tentacles that I can't see his mouth. The clowns are disappearing and reappearing every few seconds but they don't seem to be roughing him up. He seems to be content where he is because he hasn't moved. There is gentle to moderate current on him and he's resting on the sand between 2 piles of rock. His foot is resting against a rock. I just wish he would attach.


05/17/2006, 12:46 PM
With H. crispa, I usually try to dig a hole at the base of the rock structure in an area of a small cave in the rocks. I then place the anemones base in the cave/hole. This sort of gives them a choice to go into the sand and attache to the bottom or attach to the rocks. I usually works for me. Your results may vary.:)

05/17/2006, 01:46 PM
Thanks - I will try it. I know he's in good shape because my fingers are itchy after messing with him a little bit. Good for him, for me - not so much.:D


05/17/2006, 02:57 PM
gloves!!! ;)

05/17/2006, 04:49 PM
Nope, can't stand gloves for gardening, washing dishes, or messing with the tank. I just take my chances and move quickly. :p This little itch is nothing compared to a boo-boo I got years ago when I laid my forearm smack in the middle of a huge elegance. Wound up in the ER 3 times and seeing a specialist with that one. Arm got twice its size and made me crazy with the itching and burning. I still have the scars. I more careful now.


05/17/2006, 06:45 PM
thats crazy! I bought some disposible arm gloves today actually. i LOVE them. the coral life gloves are to bulky, you cant pick up anything. but the disposables are perfect.

I was stung by a yellow polyp or a bristle, noit sure whitch, but it wont be happening agian