View Full Version : Ocellaris clownfish: wild or tank bred?

05/13/2006, 01:54 PM
i've been waiting to order from drsfostersmith.com for like 2 months to get a tank bred ocellaris clownfish, but they still haven't got any in. They do have the wild caught clowns in. what is the difference and does it matter which I go with?

05/13/2006, 03:27 PM
There are articles on line that state wild caught are prone to disease from shipping stress. As for me I waited for tank bred and they have been wonderful. 6-9 months later they just spawned and host inside the ritteri.

05/13/2006, 03:40 PM
It's more of a personal preference thing...but seems like the tank bred clowns are much hardier and healthier to begin with. I have a tank bred cinnamon clown and I've had him for over a yr. now. I owned a Royal gramma before the clown and he only lasted 2 monthes, and he was wild caught. plus you run the risk of introducing parasites into your tank if you decide to get a wild caught and don't QT him! like I said...more of a personal preference thing. hope this helps a little! :D


05/13/2006, 10:42 PM
I will agree that the tank-raised livestick is hardier and also has more of a personality then wild fish. I had a wild Fire Clown and that thing would go after me everytime I place my arm in the tank. Correct me if Im wong but this is what I thought. Amphirprion is the clown we are talking about. With Wild being Percula and tank-raised being Ocellaris. So if you are looking into the wild one it would be a Percula right? Or are you just looking into other wild clowns. In the last 2 years I bought 2 healthy Ocellaris clowns from That Fish Place. I will give you a link to order them from their if you want they cost $15.99. Good luck with your choice.

From home page look to left side and click on Aquatic Livestock

05/13/2006, 10:46 PM
I always get conflicting information on that subject of those types of clowns.

05/13/2006, 11:35 PM
I think he's wanting to know what the difference between a wild caught fish and a tank bred fish is! at least that's what I gathered from the post, could be wrong though! lol :D Erin

05/14/2006, 12:19 AM
Correct me if Im wong but this is what I thought. Amphirprion is the clown we are talking about. With Wild being Percula and tank-raised being Ocellaris.

Well, since you asked.

All clownfish except the maroon (but that may be fixed soon) are in the genus Amphiprion. The various clowns are all different species. Amphiprion ocellaris is often refered to as False Percula, Amphiprion percula are usually refered to as percula. Amphiprion melanopus is called a cinnamon clown while Amphiprion clarkii is a clark's clown or sometimes called sebae though Amphiprion sebae is not the same as A. clarkii. Common names can get confusing but ocellaris and percula are different species and you can have wild caught and tank raised versions of each. Percula come from Australia while ocellaris have a much wider distribution.

As for wild caught vs. captive bred fish. Always buy captive bred if available. They are healthier, less stressed, more likely to succeed in the home aquarium and do not cause further stress on the reefs. We already have to take a lot off of the reef because there is no other way to get them so let's tread as lightly as possible.

05/14/2006, 12:30 AM
well said dantodd!!!! :D Erin

05/14/2006, 01:56 AM
Yeah thank you.

05/14/2006, 01:59 AM
well, I'll share some of my knowledge on clownfish for help in the kitchen next time I have questions! :)

05/17/2006, 05:25 AM
I aways try to purchase captive raised fish and corals whenever possible. As a scuba diver, I try to be aware of the natural ref environment and have noticed that it is slowly slipping away. In my limited experience, I believe that the tank and farmed raised marine animals tend to be more forgiving in the home aquarium. Obviously, however there are some fish that are not available as farm raised and must be caught in the wild in order to keep us all happy.

All of my clowns are 'false' as they are readily available at the LFS, tend to be really hardy, and IMHO, seem to have more personality so to speak than wild clowns.

05/17/2006, 11:21 AM
I agree with TGamel. I attempt to purchase tank raised anything because they come from similar conditions.

Of the five wild coral colonies I have purchased over the years one has survived and barely at that. Once I asked questions and learned that both tank raised and wild exist I went with tank raised and have had much greater sucess.