View Full Version : Brooklynella Disease Treatment

05/10/2006, 09:29 PM
Hey Everyone,

My clownfish ended up getting Brooklynella. In the clownfishes book, it indicates "Treatment is a full 15-minute freshwater dip to remove the parasites from the fish. In a fish-only system, one drop of Formalin can be added to each liter of aquarium water to treat the tank." Has anyone actually been successful with the 15 minute freshwater dips? That seems like a long time. Have people been pretty successful with Formalin?

I believe my fish hasn't eaten right for about a week. I am sure it will keep getting weaker if it isn't treated quickly.

Please let me know. Thanks.

05/10/2006, 10:23 PM
Use the formalin...dips don't do much in the first place...15 min seems a bit soo long

05/10/2006, 11:19 PM
with properly buffered water 15 minutes is nothing for a clown. They'll barely get stressed in that much time.

Ron Popeil
05/11/2006, 01:34 AM
some good reading:


another method that ive been having success with lately is copper and saltwater maracyn.

05/11/2006, 10:17 AM
Excellent articles. Thanks!

05/11/2006, 02:55 PM
formalin takes too long for me but thats just my opinion.

Ron Popeil
05/11/2006, 04:19 PM
how do you treat brooklynella successfully evilfrog?