View Full Version : 135g Anemone reef tank

05/10/2006, 08:47 PM
Haven't posted any new photos lately, and snapped a few so thought I'd might as well share them. The Blue Carpet came from a fellow reefer, the Purple Bubbletip (or sebae,not sure) was in a trade awhile back, and the Green Carpet was from the New Richmond, WI Ace Hardware store, so is the Hawaiian Black Triggerfish and an unknown Anthias.

Also have a Red Coris Wrasse changing into adult color, two Lunar Wrasse, a Humu Picasso Triggerfish. A Purple Tang from LiveAquaria.com that is over 4 years old. And last but not least, the three Humbug Damsel's that I recieved when I bought all the liveroock from a 8 year old reef 4 years ago, so threy're pretty old now

The tank itself is a basic Oceanic 135 using a CPR dual drain overflow, nothing fancy as far as sump. Lighting is 3 175mh SE aqualine's and 320w of URI actinic's. Water movement by two Tunze streams.

Also of note, I have a Clearner shrimp and a Banded Coral shrimp that have been in with the Triggers for some time now. The only down side is the wrasse tend to pick away on the snails and hermit crabs.





05/10/2006, 08:53 PM
Very good looking blue carpet.

Ron Popeil
05/11/2006, 01:36 AM
nicely done with the s. gigantae carpet.... nicely done indeed.

05/11/2006, 07:04 AM
You got the gigantea at a hardware store?


05/11/2006, 10:05 AM
what kind of tang is that in the blue carpet shot?

05/11/2006, 02:58 PM
nice anemones.... it would look prettier if you didnt have the slime buildup in the back

05/11/2006, 04:03 PM
3 anemones and no clownfish!! Whats up with that?

05/11/2006, 06:43 PM
its not a tang, thats a Hawaiian black triggerfish..

05/11/2006, 11:35 PM
does ur huma huma trigger mess with anything? and how long have u had him?

Gary Majchrzak
05/12/2006, 04:53 AM
How long have you had the green carpet anemone?

05/12/2006, 04:17 PM
Thanks all for the comments, been gone past two days on my kids field trip. As stated by SVXH6, the fish in the Blue Carpet shot is the trigger.

No clowns at all, I know :( But if the carpets ever eat the three little Humbug's I could get Clowns :) It isn't the larger fish stopping me.

The Huma trigger is pretty great in the tank, him and the larger of the lunar wrasse play together alot. Them are the ones though that do tend to eat my snails and hermits.

Yes, the Green carpet was from a hardware stor that also sell's pets, not only fish :) and I've only had that carpet for 5 months, and is doing very well.

As for the slime, that can stay, but could you get them Aiptasia for me?? Seriously though, I need to do my yearly order of snails and hermits, as they have all become food :)

12/22/2006, 01:24 AM
Just an update as I have had a pair of Clarkii clowns now for the last 3 months, thought I'd show them with their host :)

The bad news is, my green Gigantea carpet found my Tunze power head after a month, and it wasn't pretty :(



12/22/2006, 01:32 AM
WOW, i had to do a double take !! i dont have the nads to put a trigger or a wrass in a reef tank. not that kind of wrass anyway. im glad the trigger is not bothering anything.

12/22/2006, 01:56 AM
Well, only the Black Hawaiian is in the tank now as far as triggers go. One Lunar Wrasse and the Humu Picasso became lunch for the blue carpet. I guess all is fair game in the reef tank, and it worked the other way around this time.

The Red Coris Wrasse took a leap of faith, and as I have an open top, it's faith was my bad luck as I was at work. That did upset me a bit, but still feel the open top is worth it.

I did finally add another fish today from the good Dr.'s, a nice 5.5" Queen Angle. I think this will be the new boss, as it already was pushing the Hawaiian around, though the Purple tank, was bothing the Angel, after a short time, I think there at a stalemate.

The only other fish I worry about, is the other Lunar Wrasse, so far, well behave, and smaller the the other one, yet I had the other one longer, and thus trusted more.



12/22/2006, 02:04 AM