View Full Version : Making a RBTA split

05/08/2006, 09:09 PM
I have a RBTA that has gotten way too big. Its considerably bigger than a dinner plate and very happy. If I am not feeding it the GSM clown is. I am going to try one last time to force a split by doing a huge water change at the end of the week, but if that doesn't work for me again I need a new game plan. I have read about cutting it in half and have no problem with that. Well one, I can't get to the foot without litterally tearing the tank appart. Its food is between two main pieces of LR so there is no way to get to the foot.
How can force a split when water changes haven't worked, and I can't get to the foot to cut it completely in half?


05/08/2006, 10:21 PM
Have you considered trading it for a smaller one? I could never cut an anemone. You may be taking a big risk by cutting it.

05/08/2006, 10:52 PM
The water changes are your best bet. Another option is raising the water temperature 3-5 degrees for several hours (hoew much you raise it depends upon the starting temp). This one is tricky, since you are basically stressing the entire tank, and you can kill many things if you do it wrong. However, both times this has happened to me (involuntarily), I have had multiple RBTAs split. In each case, my tank's chiller pump went off line, resulting in the water temp rising from 80 to 84/85 degrees before I became aware of the situation. Personally, I don't recommend it, but it worked in my tank....


05/09/2006, 02:17 AM
feed it heavily, every day for a week.

then do a large 50% water change

05/09/2006, 08:58 AM
If I had access to the foot to get it out of the tank for trade, I would also be able to split it. Looks like I will have to keep trying larger and larger water changes untill it decides to work with me.

05/09/2006, 08:41 PM
some bta 's will never split I heard and don't qoute me on it that there is colonizing btas and non colonizing

05/09/2006, 09:42 PM
any luck with it so far?

05/09/2006, 11:28 PM
I might start up something like this soon. Just set up a new 10G tank with just a 40W PC whereas my RBTAs are under 250W MH with actinics now.

05/09/2006, 11:56 PM
The trick I had on my RBTA's (Kevins clone) were to starve them for a week, Saturday would be a dark day no lights, sunday feed them super heavy....then Id get a split every now and then.

05/10/2006, 02:15 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7336308#post7336308 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by akbuuur
any luck with it so far?

I'm stuffing it all this week, then on Saturday or Sunday I will do a massive water change, then leave for buisness on Monday and won't be back until Saturday.
I think the traveling will be the key. With me out of town and unable to do anything, I figure weird things will happen. Especially since my Girlfriend thinks the tank is cool but doesn't want to know anything about it.
You should have seen her face when I told her the plan. :D

05/10/2006, 02:25 AM
My F1sh R D34D!

I may try that, and turn off the MH Sat and Sunday. Make like its Cloudy.

05/10/2006, 11:20 AM
I've had good luck with feeding everyday for 1-2 weeks and 80% water change.

05/26/2006, 04:58 AM
Well all I managed to do was kill my Sloerinsis Fairy wrasse. :(
I fed the anemony every day (to the point it was hanging out in the rocks even when the MH was on), then did a monster water change on Sunday. In doing that I had to move one of my Frogspawns down lower so it wouldn't be totally exposed and start to drop tips. Well I sat it on the Throny oysture shell the wrasses had been using for his bed... I noticed that their was a rather lush growth of Algae on the glass, but it took a few days to realize i hadn't seen the Soler wrasse, and i was pretty sure why. I moved the frogspawn back up, and opened the shell to see a slightly blue mass in roughly the shape of a fish. :(

Now i am trying the starvation and lights out method.

05/26/2006, 07:29 AM
Bummer the wrasse checked out Thurge, such events eventually happen to all of us.

The remedy of controlling size with division is only temporary, they will return to pre-split size within a few months. IMHO, it is not worth the risk to the anemone or other tank inhabitants.

If we wish to take a tank in another decorative direction, it would likely be best to find the anemone a new home.

Either way, good luck.

05/26/2006, 08:33 AM
I know this is still something thats fairly new, but I think tyours is a prime candidate for cutting. A large anemone, a stable tank that it has done well in. The local guy that I know used a razor blade. This one was big enough that he made 2 cuts to get all the way down through the foot. have a gallon of water from the tank to dunk them in and put both pieces back where it normally stayed.They should have new mouths in a week.

05/26/2006, 08:34 AM
RBTA's have good survival rates with this technique. I could get you in touch with the guy who did it if you want me too.

05/26/2006, 09:40 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7441825#post7441825 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Snprhed
I know this is still something thats fairly new, but I think tyours is a prime candidate for cutting.Technique has been around for years. It is very effective, but it does not solve the size problem for very long does it?

If the objective is to experiment or propagate, that is a different discussion then, "My anemone is too big, how do I cut it in half?"

fwiw: we had photo sequences of the process on RC before the link and gallery changes kicked in....I will see if I can track them down again.