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View Full Version : Mandarin + Mithrax = Safe or Not Safe?

04/29/2002, 09:23 PM
Would a Mandarin Dragonet be safe in a tank with an Emerald crab?

I am getting a 180g in July and am trying to research stuff to make sure things will go as smooth as possible. I definitely want a Mandarin (possibly two if I can get opposite sexes and a 180 can support 2). And no, I won't get a mandarin until the DSB is very established :)

So...will a mithrax prey on a Mandarin? I had thought of getting a Sally, but I have a sinking feeling about it killing the mandarin.... But emeralds might be ok?

Thanks in advance!


04/29/2002, 09:41 PM
I've had my two mithrax crabs in my 75 with my Mandrin for a month now and the Mandrin is really fat and healthy and I see the mithrax every once in while.

04/30/2002, 09:19 AM
I have Mithrax crabs (3) living in the exact same area my mandarins use as a hunting ground. They appear to ingnore each other completely.

04/30/2002, 09:21 AM
I agree with Guy. I had two dragons and two mithrax in a 80 gallon with no problems with each other at all.