View Full Version : Tear the rock down or let the fish rot?

04/12/2006, 10:05 AM
One of my fish developed Ich and died (I assume.) Which option does more damage to a tank: 1) tearing the LR structures apart, releasing a ton of debris and particulate matter and searching for the carcass or 2) letting the crabs and detrivores do their job and leave the dead fish in its hiding place?

04/12/2006, 10:11 AM
what kind of fish and how big of a tank?

04/12/2006, 10:11 AM
how big is the fish? If it's a smaller fish let the crabs do their job, but if it's a big fish you might have to search for it.

04/12/2006, 10:13 AM
I'd think it depends on big the tank is, how many "critter cleaners" you have, etc. If you are considering leaving the fish in the tank, I'd do a HUGE water change in 3-4 days, just to try & get rid of the excess waste int he water.......

Steve :D

04/12/2006, 10:13 AM
It was a 2.75 inch Tomato Clown in a 54 corner tank.

04/12/2006, 10:18 AM
This is a great question..
If you know you have lost a fish, but never find him? Do you just do some large water changes over the period of a week or so?

I have heard that if you leave a fish in there for the inverts it will cause phosphate, ammonnia and nitrate problems as well as alage blooms..

04/12/2006, 10:47 AM
I "lost" a large purple tang in a 180 and there wasn't even a trace of ammonia spike in the tank.

I'd leave it in the tank and do twice daily tests for ammonia. Also add some carbon and polyfilter to your system. If you start seeing any ammonia waterchanges are in your future, although I doubt it'll be an issue.


04/12/2006, 11:00 AM
Hi, Ive lost fish like that, no harm done.
If you can see him try sticking a hose to it and suck it out,

04/12/2006, 11:07 AM
This is what the cleaning crew is there for---and it's why you keep it sized for the tank. I try not to have any fish so big my cleaning crew couldn't take care of it in 24 hours, and that's a little fish. Running carbon, watching your water parameters, both never hurt.

04/12/2006, 06:16 PM
I've lost a fish about that size,never saw him, or the bones
If your cleaning crew is up to snuff, you shouldn't have a problem

04/12/2006, 06:46 PM
i just lost a 5" tang in my 360 3 weeks ago. i drained the tank last weekend and never found a trace of him.

04/12/2006, 06:46 PM
Let the critters feast!! :rollface: I lost one about that size in my 29. No problems were encountered. Never found a trace of him.

glad he is gone. He would always bite me everytime i stuck my hand in the tank. :lol:

04/12/2006, 07:44 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7165893#post7165893 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sabodish
in my 360 3 weeks ago. i drained the tank last weekend

why did you drain the tank?