View Full Version : Ideal setup for Banggai Cardinals?

04/10/2006, 10:42 PM
Hello, i was just wondering what the best setup would be for the Banggai Cardinals, I have a 58 G with an engineer goby, yellow tang, and 2 damsels(yuck). Can these fish be kept in pairs without fighting? do they have any special requirements? what fish should i avoid putting them with? Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

The steven liu
04/10/2006, 10:56 PM
If you are talking about "ideal" setup then you should get rid of all other fishes and get a bunch of long spine urchins in your tank. Bangai cardinals can easily breed in captivity and fry will form groups hiding within the spines of the urchin for protection. Hence their b/w stripe camo! Anyways, if your tank is big enough they will do fine in a group. However, IMO, a 58G is barely enough room for yellow tang and damsel. Bengai cardinals are too slow and peaceful compare to the prior two and may be bullied and starve to death while unable to compete with the aggressio of yellow tang and damsels.