View Full Version : A Lunare Wrasse and friends?

04/24/2002, 01:27 PM
Ok, I'm looking for a fish or two that I can keep more or less safely with a Lunare Wrasse. The wrasse is about 5 inches and is starting to get a touch feisty.

Currently he lives in a 90gallon Tall. If I get a fish that will outgrow that tank I do have a contingency plan. It's called being single and therefore being able to buy a bigger tank when I feel like it.

That said, I'd rather not have to buy a new tank in the next year or two.

So does anyone have a thought as to a happy fish that would be able to put up with a VERY active and kind of cranky Lunare?

I've been thinking triggers. The LFS says a Clown Trigger or an Undulated Trigger would be fine... I'm just not quite as confident. (I do trust the LFS for the most part).

04/24/2002, 09:35 PM
Triggers and groupers would be a good bet, but they do get large ;) BTW I had lunare that would take food right out of the mouth of a large Clown Trigger :eek1:

04/25/2002, 09:58 AM
Which triggers specifically?

I'm trying to find one that will likely NOT eat the wrasse but one that won't loose out to the wrasse at feeding time either.

I've been thinking a Niger would work but others say no, they're too docile for a lunare wrasse. Undulated Triggers are cool but I'm thinking one might be a little TOO likely to snack on the wrasse. Am I right?

04/25/2002, 10:14 PM
I generally consider Undulated triggers as "sucker" fish. As in the person buying that cute little 3-4" trigger is a sucker :D

For the Lunare I would consider the Clown, humu humu, bursa, pink tailed, white tailed and simular triggers to be a good mix.

04/26/2002, 12:16 AM
My first trigger was an undulated and while I love all my fish, that one was hard to love. They like to hide ALOT, don't play well with others, and dig, dig, dig. Can't wait to get another! JK! The only reason I would get another is to see how full grown adult behaviors, colors, etc., would manifest. Last one passed on at 5+" from a bacterial thingamabob.

For your wrasse I think a Huma trigger would be a nice addition, maybe with an eel, if you like eels that is (might add a needed bit of "mellow" to the tank. My neighbor keeps a Lunare, Snowflake eel, coral beauty, and a school of Domino damn-sels. Have you ever seen a school of dominos against a black background? Pretty neat display, like little white dots shooting around the tank.


04/26/2002, 12:20 AM
Angels large or small would probably be safe to add. Just a guess though, only from mixes I have seen, never kept personally.

04/26/2002, 12:52 PM
SO I've done research and based on my own tastes I've come down to 1 of 4 triggers. They are:

Odonus Niger: Niger Trigger
Rhinecanthus Assasi: Assasi or Arabian Picasso
Xanthichthys Mento: Crosshatch Trigger
Xanthichthys Ringens: Sargassum Trigger

I'm leaning right now towards teh Sargassum Trigger but I'm still open. I am taking into consideration the cost, the likelyhood the LFS will get the right fish (all would be special order), it's endangered status, it's eventual size, and of course how well it will get along with a Lunare Wrasse.

Additionally, assuming I do go with one of these 4, can anyone think of any other fish (not eels) that would be fine in an 80 Gallon tank?


04/26/2002, 09:08 PM
I have 4 aquariums at the moment, 3 of which have triggers in them of varying sizes. I have a 5 inch picasso trigger in a 110 with a panter grouper, fuzzy dwarf lion fish a lunare wrasse and several very large clown and damsel fish, a niger trigger in a 35 with a scissortail goby, naso tang, two percula clowns and an anemone and a bursa trigger in a 90 gallon with several dwarf angels a miniatus grouper and a damsel with a serious attitude problem (Im secretly hoping the grouper will eat the damsel, but thus far no luck).

The niger trigger is extremely passive, and ive only been able to keep him alive with alot of babying and taking out anything even remotely aggressive in the tank. I dont know if thats typical, but another friend who has one says his is just like that as well.

The picasso is very active and interesting, and comes up to the tank when i walk in the room the only recent addition to that tank was the fuzzy dwarf lion, who really wasnt too big when i added him. The other fish immediately approached him but left him alone, they seemed to recognize it as being dangerous, and he is a fairly passive fish unlike the radiata. The panter grouper is also pretty mellow, but he will probably quickly outgrow your tank, mine has added 4 inches in about 4 months. All the fish in that tank are aggressive and active but with enough rock they seem to be able to sort out their differences.

Anyway ive rambled on long enough....for what its worth

04/29/2002, 12:44 PM
Thanks for all the advice folks. I've finally decided on an Assasi Trigger. You might find it as an Arabian Picasso. It'll work quite well with a Lunare Wrasse.


04/30/2002, 12:10 PM
