View Full Version : lion fish question

03/28/2006, 02:16 PM
i purchased a fuzzy dwarf lion fish for my reef tank yesterday.
i drip aclimated him for over about 2 hours.
he looks fine, but he's not eating.
have only tried mysis shrimp though.
i know he's an ambush predator, so will he only eat live food?
my water levels all check out well also.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

03/28/2006, 02:23 PM
I have the same problem with mine, but I get him to eat by getting some ghost shrimp, or guppies sometimes, and he will also eat siversides and krill off of a skewer... HTH

03/28/2006, 08:35 PM
was worried about that
i guess there's no way to stray him away from live foods
it's not that i won't get the live foods, i just have a skooter blennie that i think he will out grow
i guess there's no way around it

03/28/2006, 08:40 PM
Some people have had good luck getting them to eat live foods. The ones I have dealt never would accept substitutes.

03/28/2006, 08:46 PM
Many of the lions have to be trained to take frozen foods. They are predators and prefer live foods but the sooner you can get them to frozen the better off you are. They usually will go through a period where they will not eat but when they get hungry enough they can be trained to take frozen food. I have had success by not feeding live food and then present them with silversides on a feeding stick. By waving it in front of the lion, they think it is alive and will eventually take the food. If you have smaller fish or shrimp in the tank, they will become the live food. You have to be patient and it may take several days. Good luck

03/29/2006, 03:15 AM
thanks, i might be rethinking the whole idea
he's shown no agression towards my cleaner or fire shrimp which encourages me
added a few ghost shrimp and a guppy to the tank and still nothing
might be returning it tommorrow
thanks for advice