View Full Version : Harlequin Tuskfish

Brian r. s.
03/25/2006, 05:00 PM
how long do thay live and what is the best size to get?

03/25/2006, 05:12 PM
Hey Brian,

My tusk is over 9 years old and doing well. They are not very fast growers, so if this is for your 55 and it isn't overcroded, I'd suggest a nice medium 4" tusk. Very small tusks do appear in the hobby, they are tempermental feeders. Be aware that ornamental shrimp will be readily consumed. Mine has also developed a taste for turbo grazers, but I attribute his color to an occaisional escargot!


03/26/2006, 11:42 AM

Most saltwater fish have very long lives, a lot live for over 20+ years. Wrasse and hogs fish do grow very slowly, like Rob mention.

If your are looking to get one get an Aust, HTusk as they eat right away and much more hardier compared to ones for other areas that usually don't eat and some times die. It's worth paying a little more for one as your getting a much more healthier fish.