View Full Version : my thanks for the rotifers, and shrooms

03/20/2006, 12:00 AM
My thanks to Warren for the Shrooms, they looked like they melted before I got them in my tank, but I put them in anyway cause I remember how hardy the other one you gave me before was and they are making a fine comeback.

My thanks to the young man who came through with the rotifers. I am sorry to not remember your name, but you have given me a chance with raising my next batches of fish and saved me 50$ doing it (what I easily would have paid to get a culture with shipping). I just put them in a bucket with some phyto-feast, roti-feast, and DTs. Wish me luck, I may need it.

I will be ordering from DANU this week after I see if the culture takes off. I will be getting the rest of the stuff I need for raising my seahorses, and clownfish, and maybe even banggai cardinals if luck holds out. I had an offer to take babies if they materialize in the next two weeks. Why people want to let me try their fry with my fry raising record is beyond me but the world is full of generous people it seems. I will be getting 2 "professional" brine shrimp hatcheries, some decapped brineshrimp eggs that hatch, and misc. items. I'll keep y'all informed as it goes.

Thanks, Kevin Meade Secretary of CTARS.

03/20/2006, 02:22 AM
2 "professional" brine shrimp hatcheries..

Do you have a link for these?

03/20/2006, 08:56 AM
I am getting the hatcheries that DANU uses in his workshop. You can see them @ seahorsesource.com It is the Hatch-Rite 3 unit. You can find these online elsewhere but his price is as good as any and I like buying from him. I want to support the people I got my horses from.


03/20/2006, 12:44 PM
Cool Thanks..

warren thomas
03/20/2006, 04:31 PM
thanks for the anemone and your welcome for the shrooms . if you have any trouble with them let me know i kept 2 just in case and as you know they grow fast and ill have more .thanks

03/20/2006, 09:58 PM
they are doing great, rebounding readily. There looks to be about six on that rock (woohoo!). Pulling them apart by accident seems only to have increased their numbers.