View Full Version : Breeding Fire Clowns

04/10/2002, 06:50 AM
Hi just curious if anyone has a fact sheet or could possibly share so information on breeding either fire clowns or clarkiis clown fish as i have a pair of each in my tank it is a clownfish only tank with at least 6 bubbletip anemones in it, what i am wanting to know is what water parameters, salinity, do, ph etc will help in my breeding and in helping me split my anemones.
thank you

04/10/2002, 09:55 AM
By fire clowns do you mean A. ephippium? I had a breeding pair for a number of years and gave them eventually to a professional breeder in exchange for some other fish and anemones. Your questions are pretty broad - are you asking how to get them to spawn? Or are they already spawning and you need information on raising the fry?

04/11/2002, 01:10 AM
Ok then na i aom wondering what conditions i need exactly to get my clowns to spawn and i want to know also what water conditions i need to make my anemones split. Oh and yes they are the type of clowns i have..... hopes this will help a bit