View Full Version : corals for a stock 12 gal JBJ

02/08/2006, 05:11 PM
I was thinking about putting a 12 gal JBJ nano in my classroom. I can get a pretty good deal on one. I dont want to mod. the light or get the delux. I had a 10 gal nano with 70 watt halide in the class before but had so much evaporation, it was a pain to keep it topped off with RO/DI water from home.

So, what kind of corals have people kept in their stock 12 gal JBJs long term? I've seen people on nano-reef put clams and even carpet anemones in theirs. I'm not looking for any crazy responses like that, but somthing that has had success and is flourishing.


02/08/2006, 05:17 PM
i have had success with my xenia and sun fire polyps. its been about a year for my 5g. I also have a 12g JBJ but not much corals in it yet. If you are looking for the differnece between the DX and the regular there are not many.....skimmer and upgraded lighting and the back chamber of the DX has three chambers instead of four, like the regular one. And as evaporation goes theres not much at all with the cube.

02/08/2006, 06:01 PM
I'm just wondering what corals people were able to keep in the regular 12 gal long term.

I have kepyt many nano tanks in the past, but never a JBJ or one with this little amount of light.