View Full Version : Thought I Lost Him....New Clown In carpet

02/05/2006, 12:48 AM
Wow...just added a pair of small pink clowns to my tank that houses a large green carpet. One of the clowns went inadvertently (appeared to be) across the carpet............wham...the carpet grabbed it, and had it half way in mouth in seconds. Appeared that the clown then stayed extremely still, and the carpet pulled out of mouth and clown got the heck outta there. Tons of markings on clown.

Anyone ever seen that????

This is my first carpet - have had it for about 6 weeks. Won't the clown first graze the anemone for sometime, then finally house if accepted????

My little boy, who picked the pinks over perculas to attempt the symbiotic relationship, was really freaked.....he was almost crying as this happened....cause he thought one of his new clowns was done.

Clarkii Clowns
02/05/2006, 01:16 AM
Carpets have been known to eat the clowns which live in them on occasion.

There are two thoughts on how clowns are not effected by the anemone, I believe the clownfish reduce there mucus layer so are undetectable by the anemone to some degree. The clowns will slowly acclimatise them selves by brushing against the anemone then after some time will be able to live in its tenticles. The carpets are one of the strongest stings of an anemone I believe and may take some time for the clowns to settle in.