View Full Version : Fire Shrimp?

The Marmot
02/04/2006, 10:37 PM
Anyone keeping a Fire Shrimp (Blood Shrimp, I've seen them called also), in their 10 gallon tanks? I will be keeping mostly LPS(Acans, Blasto's , Favias..), and a few Monti's, after the tanks a bit more broke in. Are these Shrimp safe to keep with these corals? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

02/04/2006, 10:50 PM
Not recommended if you are going to have any smaller polyps, this is from Marine Invertabrates by Ron Shimek:
"Some fire shrimp reportedly prey primarily on polyps. A single individual in a small reef may seriously impact soft corals, sps,or zoanthid colonies."
I have been happy with the scarlet (skunk) cleaner shrimp, (Lysmata amboinensis). They get a bit bigger, but don't hide so much.

02/05/2006, 11:39 PM
I had both a fire shrimp and a cleaner in my nano cube. I recently removed the cleaner cause it was impossible to feed my lps. Now I have the fire shrimp, he has never bothered anything and is pretty shy.