View Full Version : Need 12g advice

02/04/2006, 03:04 PM
My roomate sees how my tanks progressed and wants a nano tank of his own. He wants to be able to have a reef tank with anemones,lps, and sps corals. Which tank would be a good buy. I see The eclispe tanks at petco and i heard about the JBJ. Which would be good to get and which vendor should he go through???
Thanks for helping me out everyone.

02/04/2006, 03:23 PM
light isnt sutable for SPS or anemones IMO in the jbj nanocubes (unless he wants a rock/flower anemone.. or Majano, or Aptasia) and light isnt suitable for any coral (i dont think in the 12g. Eclipse.. tell him to read upon here and www.nano-reef.com and to go with a 10g. tank with a 70w or 150w MH......... he wil need alot of flow for SPS

02/04/2006, 04:29 PM
I wouldn't suggest he start with SPS anyways. He can have a great tank with LPS, and softies. Anemones shouldn't be added to a system before about a year anyways, not to mention they need more intense lighting then any of the above systems produce. JBJ 12 gallon DX IMO/IME is a great starter tank.