View Full Version : fish for a 5.5 gallon

01/31/2006, 09:57 AM
i would like to get a fish for my 5.5 aga tank wanted to know which one you though would be good

yellow watchman goby
red or purple firefish
6 line wrasse

i would like something that will move but also looks good i dont mind getting a damsel i think they do have personality and because he will be the only fish in the tank i dont really have to worry about him being a bully right?


01/31/2006, 10:04 AM
Any of these are going to probably out grow the tank, except for the yellow watchman. The only problem with the yellow watchman is that you may not see it much. The firefish would do well if probably the only fish in the tank. The other two will out grow the tank. You may want to try a twin spot goby. They are really neat sand sifters and tend to just continue to troll about the tank. The only problem with them is that I believe that they do better in pairs.