View Full Version : Tell me about the Aquapod...

01/30/2006, 02:08 PM
Who has them already, do you like it, can you get a larger MH bulb, does it need a chiller?????????????????????

Thanks ;)


01/30/2006, 04:13 PM
I have a 24g AquaPod and after 4 weeks I am already looking at upgrading the lighting. I spoke to Ike this a.m. and per Current the water temp under the 150w MH SunPod is lower than the original hood. Because the SunPod sits about 4' - 5' inches above the water the temp stays constant or lower than the original hood. I have to admit I am a bit suspectful. But I am willing to try it.

The AquaPod is AWESOME! I love mine. I have had no troubles and for a newbie I am pumped. I do a 10% water change once a week and I am going to start a 'fuge in the rear tank this coming weekend. I have added a Maxijet 600 to the tank for more flow.

From everything I have read the JBJ is a good system too except the customer service at JBJ is/was below par. In fact, my two local LFS in Augusta, GA, DO NOT carry JBJ because of their customer service. Before I bought the Pod I spoke to Ike a couple of times and he has been very helpful. Just my .02 cents.


01/30/2006, 04:45 PM
I got my AquaPod a few weeks ago and while I love it I just bought the 24/HQI version so I can grow some SPS and clams.

01/30/2006, 08:44 PM
I already have the JBJ 24 Nano, But I can't stand the lighting. I think I'll remove the lid, and buy a sunpod!

01/30/2006, 11:13 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6627356#post6627356 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AEALOVESHERGIRLS
I already have the JBJ 24 Nano, But I can't stand the lighting. I think I'll remove the lid, and buy a sunpod!

You could wait for JBJ MH fixture. It attaches on the rear.

I just ordered 24g Aquapod w/150 watts MH from nanocustoms.com. and should be here in a couple of days. Will try to put pics. Happy to hear several on the board have positive reviews/comments of the 24g.

Current Usa customer service is top notch if you have any questions about their product feel free to contact Ike.

01/31/2006, 07:07 AM
You know.......... I could give my daughter my JBJ with pc lighting and give her some nemos, and buy the Aquapod for me :)

01/31/2006, 08:30 AM
OK, this is what I'm doing. Keeping my JBJ, removing the hood and buying the SUnpod 150, and, since I'm removing the hood anyway, I don't have to get a tiny skimmer, so I'm just going to get a remora skimmer, I have already measured, and it will fit fine hanging on the back.

Then, to make it look pretty, I"ll buy some kind of black plastic at home depot and glue together some pieces just to cover up that back area of the tank where the skimmer/pump are. Sweet, now I'm getting excited. Not quite as excited as I am about getting my 240 gallon, but I can't get that right away anyway.

Thanks for all your help!!!!


01/31/2006, 05:09 PM
What are you going to keep in there?

01/31/2006, 06:24 PM
Jordo, the question is, what aren't I going to keep in there!

Some clams, SPS, LPS, RBTA, fish, shrimp and some fun stuff!

01/31/2006, 07:03 PM
I"ll buy some kind of black plastic at home depot and glue together some pieces just to cover up that back area of the tank where the skimmer/pump are.
I'd like to see how this project shapes up, as it sounds like something I'd consider doing myself. Please keep us updated on this.