View Full Version : How to get hard algae off acrylic

01/29/2006, 05:40 PM
I have a 2.5 mini bow that has gotten hard brown algae growing on the acrylic. How can I get it off w/o scratching the acrylic. I bougth a magnet cleaner, but it barely makes a dent in the algae.

Is there anything that I can soak it in that will help get the algae off but that is also reef safe?

01/29/2006, 11:48 PM
Try a credit card. SH

01/29/2006, 11:54 PM
Yeah, I use a credit card on my acrylic, its still a pain in the *** though.

And I don't like having my hand in the tank that long so any other ideas?

Anyone had luck with the plastic razor blades?

01/30/2006, 01:27 AM
I just went down to the plastic store (tap plastics here) and got a small piece of 1/16th inch thick acrylic.. like 2" by 3" and since acrylic wont scratch acylic (unless you get sand in it..) it'll work great, and its pretty stiff, so it wont do a lot of bending