View Full Version : new crocea

01/28/2006, 11:35 PM
It's a small 2" one. 10000k 250 hqi...I was told they this type likes a lot of light so to put it near the top. I want to tilt him a bit for viewing, I heard their is a specific postition of the big hole and the small hole, but I forgot which on top. I wanna know before it gets set in.


01/29/2006, 12:50 AM
croceas do tend to like to be in the rockwork (that's where they are found in nature) and they also like a lot of light. Generally if the clam is happy with it's location it will secret it's byssal threads and attach itself.

for a clam this small I would definitely consider supplemental feeding. Even if it was placed directly under the sun it would still need supplemental feeding because it's mantle is not big enough for it to support itself through photosynthesis alone. DT's phytoplankton is very good for one.

The steven liu
01/29/2006, 12:56 AM
I usually like to place the crocea with its intake valve (the big one if you will) face the front so I can see its gill for health check. However, croceas seem to have their own mind on which way they want to face. My crocea has been spinning itself to an angle it likes everytime I rotate it. Maybe he/she can capture more plankton in that direction. so I guess your water flow will come in play how the clam likes to be positions. It generally doesn't appreciate facing the strong current. it prefers bunced current.