View Full Version : water ?? for nano 10g

01/25/2006, 02:02 PM
I do not have a r/o unit so what do I use ? I have a 36 watt lights nano tank? Please help

1.water type

I just ordered a book on corals so that will help

Andy Somnifac
01/25/2006, 02:16 PM
1. Water: I don't have an R/O unit either, so I buy pre-mixed SW and R/O water from the LFS. I can go about every 2 weeks between visits to the LFS. Each visit I get 5gal SW and 2.5gal R/O.

2. Corals: I stuck with soft corals for a little while.

3. Food: If you stick with softies, then you really don't need to feed.

01/25/2006, 02:52 PM
1) Whatever you do, don't use tap.

2) Corals....how old is your tank?

3) Food...again...how old is your tank? Photosynthetic corals still benefit from feeding. They have polyps to catch food naturally in the open ocean. Although they will survive under light, IMO, they fare much better with what they get in nature: sun and plankton. SH

01/25/2006, 03:13 PM
1) Catalina sea water for your salt water, and go to a place with an ro/di unit and get your water. i pay 1.30 for 3 gallons of water around my area.

2) 36 watts of light total? for corals u could do some low light corals....but nothing that is going to require any amount of lights. most people with a 10g use 80-100w light setups.

3) i agree with steelhealr on this one.

01/25/2006, 03:42 PM
You can get distilled water at the store that will work for top off, but it's easier just to buy premixed SW at the LFS for water changes ect. It will cost you more in the long run though :D

01/25/2006, 08:56 PM
Thanks everyone I think I get catalina water for my nano ,Live Rock ,Live Sand ... How much light watts ls good to have ??


01/25/2006, 09:15 PM
depends what you want, for a 10 gal the 96 watt quad is good and so is the 80watt orbit, but there is the cheeper way with an incondecent hood and 2 20watt PC that will let you keep some shrooms and zoos

Here is what i have on my 10 gal right now untill i get my better lights, it is enough to keep the shrooms and zoas



01/26/2006, 12:19 AM
3) photosynthetic corals still need feeding to obtain nitrogen sources.

Since you said you ordered a book on corals, I hope you ordered "Aquarium Corals - selection, husbandry and natural history" by Eric H. Borneman.