View Full Version : crazy yellow tang

Jon Evans
01/15/2006, 12:28 AM
I have a 75 gallon reef that had a mated pair of perculas, four chromis, and a royal gramma. As soon as I put the yellow tang in, everyone began swimming at the top of the water, and the royal gramma would not come out of hiding. I lost one clown fish and the royal gramma. Is my tang beating the snot out of everyone? If so, what fish will stand up to it that is reef safe. My chromis don't seem to mind too much now, but the other clown is still hanging out at the top of the water all the time.

01/15/2006, 12:36 AM
If you are definately sure that it is the yellow tang causing this behavoir and causing you to lose your fish then you should remove the YT, putting another aggressive fish to counter the yt would only increase your problem

01/15/2006, 01:39 AM
Yellow tangs can be aggressive when they feel the need to be. Why not remove him to a QT tank and see if everything else comes out of hiding and calms down. You will have your answer then.

Jon Evans
01/15/2006, 08:43 AM
I should just put a trigger fish in there to show the tang who is boss, but they like to eat corals. Thank you for your advice

01/15/2006, 08:44 AM
How large is the tang and how large are the other fish?