View Full Version : Coral Beauty Help-Sore on side

01/12/2006, 05:57 PM
My Coral Beauty is developing a sore or ulcer on it's side about 1/4 of the way back from the gills. It started looking like it had lost a couple of scales by hitting liverock. Now it has grown into a larger area.

I can't find any pictures of infections that look the same other than maybe fin rot but the fish seems unaffected so far but....


01/12/2006, 10:32 PM
Sounds like the original wound has become infected and is now an ulcerative lesion (but could be other things). Since the lesion is progressing you should treat your fish with antibiotics. One option is to use medicated feed if you can source some, or make it up. Note there is a risk of transmitting the infection if you leave you fish in your system. This has to be balance against setting up a treatment tank (if you don't have one) and then catching and moving your fish. The alternative suggestion is to move your fish to Q/treatment tank so that you can treat it via dips (http://www.tricideneo.com/) or by treating the water with antibiotics (such as Maracyn-2) (works, but not as effective as the Tricideneo dips or medicated feed). Whatever you do, don't add antibiotics directly to you main system. Hope this helps.

01/12/2006, 10:37 PM
Thanks for the reply. It can be frustrating trying to diagnose things and its good to have the people on this site that are ready and willing to help. I'm setting up a Qtank and am looking forward to pulling most of my liverock out of my tank to catch this fish.:(


01/13/2006, 10:28 AM
Rondelet --- where would you suggest buying this? The link you provided doesn't have much info and the internal links within that site don't seem to work.

01/13/2006, 01:25 PM
Rondelet, I just bought some. I have a Heniochus Butterfly that I suspected had some sort of infection because it kept mouth open, was lethargic, and gill rate seemed high. I tried medicating it for about 5-7 days using double dose of Maracyn 2, but that was not effective. It is still exhibiting red sores throughout body and tail fin seems shrivelved up. I've started using an internal infection product (i think Ultra BX) that I am basically tube feeding it. But it seems like the butterfly has ulcers, lesions.

01/13/2006, 02:24 PM
Keivn - I obtain Tricideneo from a local Koi dealer. But your right, not all the links on the Tricideneo website seem to work. Seems that if you click on the "Where to buy…" link, all subsequent links are dead, but was unware of this :( . You could try emailing them - which is what I just did. I can send you a PM if I hear anything.

Baobao - First, where did you source Tricideneo ? (would be helpful for Kevin). Second, I would be interested in hearing your results with the Heniochus. Good luck with and keep good notes!

03/18/2006, 05:31 PM
Harlequin Tusk lost half of his caudal fin due to aggression from a Cross Hatch Trigger. I've moved HT to a quarantine tank(qt).

I want to help him receover and prevent a bacterial infection, but I dont want to medicate in qt with anything such as Maracyn 2. Thus, I am considering 10 minute dips with Tricide-Neo.

Question on use of Tricideneo - Instructions state to use normal saline or distilled water - AM i supposed to use freshwater or would I take water from Harlequin's tank?I would think the latter is better because it wont stress Harlequin? Moreover, freshwater dips are stressful to fish.( This product is supposed to be geared primarly towards Koi, so I think the instructions have to be modified for a Harlequin Tusk).
