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01/10/2006, 02:27 PM
I don't know if any of you remember me - I used to be just Fishwife about 4-5 years ago. I kept several tanks; a 75, a 29, a 37, and a 200. I eventually put the 75 and 29 into the 200. It was great for about 2 years then I went on vacation and on our last day away a hose broke loose and before the GFCI kicked in we lost about 40 gallons of water. We had air pumps hooked up for power outages but the tank got cold and some of the corals were exposed to air - very few corals survived and we didn't haved the heart to start over so we sold off the tank. We still had the 37 with a pair of O-clowns but we basically just fed them and didn't fool around with it. When we moved last year the new owner's sons wanted to keep the tank so we left it with them.

Now we are settled into our new home in NC and we would like to start up a SMALL tank - just a few softies and maybe one small fish. I have been reading comments on the various cubes and am considering one of them for the neat, clean, all-in-one look. I think a 12 gal. would be sufficient. I really don't want to get into skimming and all that again so weekly water changes and top offs would be it. I've heard that the fans can be noisy - are they a must? After years of whirring and buzzing from tanks, I want a quiet set up. A friend I used to work with had a little 5 gal. set up with a single pc and a hang on filter. It was completely quiet. He didn't have any fish, just some softies and it was simple and pretty. He just did top offs and once in a while put in a little food for the corals. Only problem was the set up wasn't exactly nice looking.

Oh well, I will continue to read the debates about which cube is the best then I will decide whether I will go on the cheap and just buy a 10 gal, a pc strip and a filter or whether I'll go with a cube.

Keep discussing boys and girls;)


01/10/2006, 09:31 PM


Welcome back , do I remember something about paper cuts ;) ?

Would you like your old name reactivated ?

Simple quiet setup is a standard ten, an AC 500 modified as a fuge and place to hold a heater, backup powerhead, and either a Current 80 w pc or coralife 96w powerquad. It's simple, cheap, and fairly quiet.

01/10/2006, 09:32 PM

.... back

01/11/2006, 11:11 AM
Welcome, Glad to see your getting back into the hobby!!


01/11/2006, 02:17 PM
since everyones doin it

<img src="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b113/rockindacheeks/welcome.gif" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
To Reef Central

01/11/2006, 06:59 PM
Thanks everyone

Agu, I do remember you. Did you go to the 2001 MACNA in Baltimore? I met a lot of people who were on Reef Central there.

Good suggestion for the tank - I'm still loving the sleek look of the cubes plus the depth of them, building a reef in a 10-12" wide space makes for more difficult cleaning, but we may just go that route. I want something that is kitchen counter friendly. We have lots of counter space and it would make water changes and top-offs easy. We're looking and thinking.

Good to be back.


01/11/2006, 07:02 PM
Oh yeah, Agu - the paper cuts!!! Help, I'm being electrocuted!!!!

hehehehehe - what a doof I was!
