View Full Version : Milky discharge from rock

12/27/2005, 04:53 PM
Hi Anthony,

My 72 gallon (fish & soft coral) tank has been up for about a year now. All water parameters are in the recommended range, and aside from a Bartlett's Anthias jumping from the tank a few months back, all inhabitants seem pretty happy.

As I was staring at the tank the other day, I noticed a small puff of milky "stuff" in the water. I have seen snails discharge this in the past and based on descriptions & pictures from one of your books, decided that it was gamete discharge. Anyway, this time there was a good bit more of the stuff, and there were no snails in the vicinity. As I looked, another plume of this milky stuff was excreted from one of my live rocks. A couple of seconds later, and the same occurred on the opposite side of the same rock. These plumes were somewhat larger than I've seen with snails in the past, but quickly dissipated and I've not seen anything similar since.

I know that I've got lots of worms in the rock, and have seen some very long (10") spaghetti worms out at night. Could this be gamete discharge from the worms that I am seeing?



12/27/2005, 04:56 PM
Spawning. Seems like when one starts everything else gets the idea and joins in. :)