View Full Version : **Who's eating my Hammer?**What are this?**

12/19/2005, 10:41 PM
What's going on?

I got this green hammer frag yesterday and this morning I found someone is eating my hammer.
This is what I have in the tank:

- 5 peppermint shrimps
- lots hermits
- snails
- 3 emeral crabs
- 1 Yellow tang
- 1 sailfin Tang

THAT'S IT!! is it the crab?

What is this muchroom thing??
What is this green thing growing? I had this skeleton and now it started growning

Thanks everyone! http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/500/106132hammer.jpg

Craig Lambert
12/19/2005, 10:45 PM
We can't convict anyone without a wittness, but the crabs would be on my short list of suspects.

12/20/2005, 12:31 AM

12/20/2005, 03:00 AM
Try posting the last two pics in the coral forum and let us know what Eric says...I'm really curious....

12/20/2005, 06:41 AM
Looks like a sponge to me. I have some growing over an old Fox Coral skeleton.


12/20/2005, 11:52 AM
Are you 100% sure something is eating the hammer since it is a new addition to the tank? It may take a few days for it to open fully even though its only one head that is closed up.

I have no idea what is in pics 2 and 3 but it sure looks cool.

12/20/2005, 01:17 PM
I have had emerald crabs in the past that behaved like that, eating the tops off of xenia etc.. I dont think they are 100% reefsafe.

12/20/2005, 05:54 PM
Ok, Lets start off with the Hammer

how old is it? looks to be relatively new to your system... could still be adjusting to your captive environment...

as far as the other pictures, that is a very upset hydnophora... I if you want it to live, stick it somewhere where it gets some serious light and moderate flow...

is this hydnophora on your hammer??? if so this is why your hammer is dieing...

I have never seen an emerald crab eat a LPS but I wouldnt put it past them!

hope this helps you!

12/20/2005, 06:10 PM
I had an Emerald Crab that would eat softies. Also, most of my hermits ate LPS (the skeleton part), specifically Frogspawn, Torches, Hammers, etc.

12/20/2005, 07:46 PM
It's a sponge.

12/21/2005, 12:30 AM
Thanks everyone!

I put the same pix on the coral forum(green thing)!
More likely it's hydnophora (thanks shawmts106).
hydnophora just started growing back few weeks ago.

I just got the hammer 2 days ago and it was perfect all 3 heads. I noticed when I put in the tank the emeral came right to it and was cleaning the bottom of the hammer so I thought it was ok. Just over one night the next morning I found half of the hammer was missing. Again, not sure if it's the emeral or not.

xtrstangx-since your emeral is eating your LPS what do you do? rid of the crab or the crab will stop?

Two questions:

1. I love green hammer what should I do now?
2. right now I put the hammer on the frag rack I made near top pf the water. Will it be too much light for the hammer?

Does hammer need lots current and lights?

I have xenia, green tree coral, zoos, button polys, Emerals NEVER touch them nor any interest.

What can I do??What should I do? I'm keeping this hammer and getting some frogspawn in the future.

any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks!! :)

Kent E
12/21/2005, 02:02 AM
Doesn't look like a sponge to me.

12/21/2005, 03:33 AM
I would avoid handling the coral as much as possible. The hammer will do better lower in your tank, and the Hydnophora needs to move up closer to the light.