View Full Version : Peppermint Hog, wrasse killer?

12/12/2005, 11:23 AM
So i finally got rid of my demon sixline wrasse because it would chase my flasher wrasses around and keep them in the corner and would not allow any new wrasses in the tank.

So i've bought a Peppermint Hog (masudai) and its been a model citizen from what i've seen. Had him for about 3 weeks now and a for the past 4 days, i have not seen my two flasher wrasses. I did not see any aggression from the Peppermint Hog.

Anyone with experience on these Peppermint Hogs? I've gotten mixed reviews from various LFS. Some say wrasse safe and other say forget about it, very aggressive.

Thanks for your help,

12/12/2005, 12:29 PM
I have a Pep hog , Bodianus opercularis , that killed my Cirrhilabrus lineatus after about 6 months they have been together.

12/12/2005, 12:46 PM
So sorry, i was in the process of ordering a Lineatus. Guess not :(

12/12/2005, 02:30 PM
Both of them were Large, the Lineatus was in the tank many months before the Hog.
It all happened in one day, and I was stupid enough to not stop it.
In the morning the Hog was chasing the Fairy a little, I was looking at the tank and thought it'll pass ....he never did it before and it didnt look serious plus this tank as all my tanks are structured like the Chinese Wall, ALOT of rocks, in the evening I came back and saw that the Fairy took a hard beating.

Took him out but he never recovered.

It was not responsible from my side, this Fairy should have lived if I was a good reefer.

I just cant figure out what made the hog so nuts one moning to do that to the fairy.

12/12/2005, 05:37 PM
that's surprising, I thought I read that they were supposed to be a fairly peacefull fish

12/12/2005, 06:03 PM
I dont have experience with B.masudai, just with B.opercularis.

He was quite peaceful till that point and since that point, but he did kill the C.lineatus and some times he is having some "issues" with the perculas.

12/12/2005, 11:27 PM
Update, i guess i was wrong. Fed the tank mysis and out came both flashers. But one of them looked a little frazzle. Perhaps the flashers were fighting amonst themselves?

12/13/2005, 09:53 AM
Glad to hear your flashers showed up.

I'm new to fairy wrasses. I received two Filamented Flashers (Paracheilinus filamentosus) and one longfin (Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis) on 12/8. Despite being added to a nearly empty 75 gallon (only has a mandarin, a chromis, and a citron goby) they are only just now starting to swim out in the open.

I'd like to try my hand with one of the rarer wrasses in a few months, would that be a mistake? Do fairy's really have to be introduced simultaneously?