View Full Version : Fish Recommendations? for 60g Reef

11/29/2005, 06:19 PM
Ok my second post... Thanks for viewing...

I have a 60g tank and currently I have a Flame Hawkfish, True Percula Clown and Chevron Tang. I am looking to add a fish, but want the characteristics of the Tang (not often fed/algae grazer, likes to swim rather then sit or perch, and is a nice looking fish). I have been told on a previous post that having a tang in a 60g take is already too much, but have any suggestions that I may not have though of. Just looking for a good swimmer and someone who can keep the nitrate down, that is cool and not boring like a Damsel (in looks) or hawkfish (in movement) ...

Thanks. A broad questions but just looking for ideas my books cant.

11/29/2005, 08:01 PM
I have a 58 gallon tank and my Algae Blenny is a great addition. Looks cool and is quite a character. However, I have 13 fish and a very small snowflake eel so I don't subscribe to the overstocking as long as everyone gets along and looks healthy and eats well. A big skimmer can cover up a lot of "mistakes".

11/29/2005, 09:00 PM
Thanks, sounds good, yeah i got a real nice skimmer a few months back... i will look into it...

Oh yeah so how is your tank doing at 58g i get worried since i have a 60g and everyone on here seems to have a 100+ etc... So i get worried if i am investing in the wrong direction. Any pics?

11/29/2005, 10:18 PM
i would go for a biiger tank but you can put a tang in there. the cheveron i would return it they get like a foot long. you can go for either a yellow or kole tang they will be fine in that size tank.

11/30/2005, 10:30 AM
You could go with a dwarf angel or fox face. I know some people have problems with dwarf angels picking on corals but more often than not they are safe. I have a 55g and my yellow tang and coral beauty are always together and swimming out in the open.