View Full Version : Help with Sump

11/19/2005, 11:47 AM
Sump almost done. On my return I was told to you a Ball Value and a T value to pump water back into the sump because I have a 9.5.

My question is which one come 1st t value or Ball Value?

11/19/2005, 03:26 PM

then the T will go #1 straigt to the tank
and #2 to a ball valve that will then lead back to the sump, also known as a bleed valve.

Dont forget to drill a small hole as a siphon break once the return line gets to the tank, make sure is far enough underwater to no create bubbles but shallow enough to breal the siphon easily.

You could put a ballvalve on both sides on the T but its really not needed.

How big is your drain? I am running a mag9.5 on my 50g tank with 1" stockman drain, no need for a bleed vavle.

11/19/2005, 04:22 PM
I have a 58 Oceanic

11/19/2005, 06:15 PM
i had 58gal RR with a mag 1200 for return no problem.

11/19/2005, 09:21 PM
Do you have a Ball Valve