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View Full Version : need info on potential new additions (lps_

Sun Devil
11/15/2005, 08:37 PM
I am in the process of creating a lps dominant display tank. I currently have branching hammer, pavona, frogspawn, and trumpet that has thrived quite well for 2 years. Since I only currently have 4x96w pc's (hopefully making upgrade in next year), are there any suggestions as to what may thrive well under my current lighting conditions?

ps tank is 115g

11/16/2005, 12:30 PM
Hi, IME, LPS do quite well at 3 wts per gallon. I haven't tried echinos & challices yet, but I've read some like high & some like low light. I think there are many corals for you to choose from. Some of the ones I would try are: bubble corals, torches, open brains (trachyphillia, cyanaria, wellsophyllia, symphillia, lobophyllia etc), closed brains (favia, faviites), acanthastrea, dendrophyllia, blastomussa, micromussa, cyanaria, fungia, & I'm probably missing some :)

I put many corals up there that will not do well if you don't spot feed on a regular basis. I put in blastomussa, which can be a bit touchy. If you want to try them, PLEASE get a captive propagated frag. Way less fussy than a wild colony. Many people are keeping them very successfully, & if you're the type of hobbyist who will do what it takes, they are an excellent candidate for low flow/low light areas. Here's a good thread, where successes & downfalls are discussed. This thread's success stories made me finally brave enough to try mine: http://archive.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=676554