View Full Version : Finally caught the monster

11/12/2005, 09:25 AM
by using a medium size glass pickle jar with yardley's algae disc as bait, placed it under his rock and got him within minutes!


11/12/2005, 09:28 AM
What type of crab is that FEROCIOUS looking thing.

Chaotic Reefer4u
11/12/2005, 09:33 AM
them pinschers will definately do some damage to your corals and livestock, good going he needed to get out of there before he could reap havoc!

11/12/2005, 09:40 AM
Was he in one of your acros? That sucker is pretty big. You could cook up some crab cakes with him, hahahah =)

11/12/2005, 09:55 AM
I believe it's a Gorilla crab, he fragged a couple of my leathers, made dinner of 2 chromis a conch and bunch of snails and hermits.

11/12/2005, 11:05 AM
I had several of those bad boys that hitched on my live rock when I first started reefing. They wreaked havoc on small fish and some clams/mussels that were encrusted in the rock. Everything settled down after I went "fishing". Used the same technique along with some hot dog tongs.

11/12/2005, 11:12 AM
I had one of those that took out almost all my corals
It really liked zenia

11/12/2005, 12:03 PM
well i have the same one sýnce years it even ýs more hairy than yours ý keep ýt ýn a compartýment of my refug. will post pýcs of it when back home. � belýeve it was �dd as hairy or rock crab

11/12/2005, 02:56 PM
I had a little baby one with my live rock - just the other day I saw it and boy has it grown in 2 years.

I realized I'm going to have to go crad hunting too - I hate that.

11/12/2005, 03:01 PM
He hasn't done any damage yet, but there was a three inch crab that also came with my rock - in one day he tore-up a mushroom rock - one night I came home and saw it - it really looked like a monster - it was easy to get out - I just screamed first, then grabbed the rock it was on and pulled it out, screamed again, plucked it off the rock with a pen where in then landed on the floor - everyone was now screaming, then finaly scooped it up and dumped it in to sump to get rid of later.

I also had a mantis in that rock - got him out easy - but he gave me nightmares while he was in the sump - I think those things are inteligent and psychic