View Full Version : how do i clean my remora?

11/11/2005, 11:59 AM
i need to clean my remora, it stopped working so I think thats the problem. How do I get out the stuff at the bottom? Any type of miracle solution that pulls this stuff out?

11/11/2005, 12:57 PM
anyone know?

11/11/2005, 01:36 PM
what stopped working??

i usually clean the pump, which is what stops working.

every now and then i will run water through the skimmer to get any loose particles but i have never put anything in it to clean it. try taking the pump apart and cleaning it thoroughly. that should get it going...
good luck :)

11/11/2005, 01:49 PM
There is a screw (plastic) underneath the collection cup that you can remove to clean out the injector. It is in the pipe that the pump pumps the water through. Be careful when removing the screw because sometimes they are difficult to turn, and it is pretty easy to mess up the plastic. If I recall, you need a pretty wide/thick screwdriver.

If you want to clean the skimmer body itself, you can put some hot water with either some bleach or vinegar, let it soak for a bit, shake it around and dump it out. I don't know if that will improve perfomance, but it will look better.

Take this advice for what it's worth (exactly as much as you paid for it) because I can't guarantee that using either bleach or vinegar in the skimmer won't mess up the plastic. I did it with mine and it was fine, but your results may vary. Maybe someone else will give you some input too. HTH.

The Grim Reefer
11/11/2005, 01:51 PM
Main thing is to keep the throat of the collection cup clean. That hits my production more than anything.

11/11/2005, 02:45 PM
my throat is clean but my skimmer body is very dirt. I have a fish only tank in a 135 right now and only have a few fish so maybe it is the bioload that has impinged on its performance

11/18/2005, 12:37 PM
I take mine out in the back yard and blast it with the hose. I also have a BIG bottle brush I picked up at the local Brewing/wine making supplier. I run that around where I can reach, just need to be careful not to break off any of the baffles

Beach Native
11/18/2005, 09:56 PM
I ran my remora for several years and never cleaned (other then rinsing out some sediment) the inside. Keeping the throat, the collection cup and the injector port clean should be sufficient.

11/18/2005, 10:18 PM
I have to clean my collection cup every couple weeks and the pump every few months. If I keep up with that maintenance works great.