View Full Version : Coral Banded vs Blue Tang

11/04/2005, 01:59 PM
I have a pair of coral banded shrimp in my tank at my business. I recently added a pacific blue tang and he seems to be under the impression that they are cleaner shrimp. He will swim up to them and just sit there up against the shrimp waiting for them to clean him and he won't leave them alone. Eventually the shrimp become irratated and pinch at him or raise their pinchers in his face as a warning. This causes the tang to nip at them and they pinch back. They are constantly getting into altercations so I want to see if maybe I actually got some cleaner shrimp the tang would leave the banded shrimp alone or if I should just get rid of the tang.

Comments, advice? sounds comical and it is but now the tang has some scratches and the shrimp are missing some antennae and one is missing an arm.

11/04/2005, 02:10 PM
Kill the CBshrimp....i hate them. Get some cleaners! they are amazing to watch when they go to work.

A Trigger should take out those CB...getting the trigger out after though...good luck!

But seriously, i wouldnt let a CB take shots at my Tang get um out and get cleaners IMO.

11/04/2005, 02:48 PM
The CB's have been pretty well tempered, and the tang just has them mistaken. I'd rather just have them all get along. :)

11/04/2005, 03:26 PM
How long have the three of them been together? It may just take awhile for the tang to realize that they will never clean him, no matter how badly he wants it. :)