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View Full Version : Question on Finger Leather>>>

03/08/2002, 09:13 PM
Will any kind of Finger Leather die if broken off the small piece of rock it came hooked on from the Fish Store??? Or will it re-attach itself to any other rock or sand??? Thanks in advance...

03/09/2002, 09:05 AM
Your leather should be fine. Just reattach it with epoxy or a rubber band. You could also just wedge it into a crevice in you rocks.

03/09/2002, 04:09 PM
I agree with jersey and would only add that the leather may look bad for a few days, but be patient. They often will cover themselves with a film only to look great a few days later.

03/09/2002, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the help, already got the epoxy so I'll be patient (like always) and see if rises from the dead..LOL =0) Thanks again !!